Articles in preparation:
- Lynch S (2028) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Maple, 3rd Edition, Springer International Publishing.
- Lynch S (2027) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica, 3rd Edition, Springer International Publishing.
Articles under review:
- Lynch S (2024) Programming on a Mathematics degree to enhance learning and teaching, assessment, research and employability. PRIMUS major rewrite.
Published or in press:
- Lynch S (2025) Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB 3rd Ed., Springer International Publishing (to appear August 2025).
- Lynch S (2025) EDI Article: An academic from a poor socio-economic background, Mathematics Today 61(1), 212-213.
- Whitehead KA, Brown M, Caballero L, Lynch S, Edge M, Hill C, Verran J and Allen NS (2025) Nano-titania photocatalysis and metal doping to deter fungal growth on outdoor and indoor paint surfaces using UV and fluorescent light. Micro 5(5), 5010005. Pdf
- Lynch S (2024) A Simple Introduction to Python, CRC Press ISBN 9781032750293 .
- Wilson-Nieuwenhuis J, Taylor J, Gomes LC, Lynch S, Whitehead D, Whitehead KA (2024) Non-chlorine detergent formulations as an alternative for unpasteurised milk removal from stainless steel surfaces. Journal of Food Engineering 374, 112031. Pdf
- Whitehead KA, Lynch S, Amin M, Deisenroth T, Liauw CM and Verran J. (2023) Effects of cationic and ionic surfaces on the perpendicular and lateral binding forces and attachment, adhesion and retention of Aspergillus niger conidia. Nanomaterials 13(22), 2932. Pdf .
- Lynch S (2023) Python for Scientific Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CRC Press ISBN 978-1032258713
- Bearon R and Lynch S (2022) Microswimmers and Computing at Leicester British Science Festival, Mathematics Today, IMA, 58(6), 184. Pdf
- Nyamapfene A, Lynch S, Burova I and Oliveira de Andrade M (2022) MATLAB and Python open book assessments: Lessons from two UK institutions. IEEE EDUCON 2022, Tunisia, 9766577, 2022-2027. Pdf
- Evans A, Slate AJ, Tobin M, Lynch S, Wilson-Nieuwenhuis J, Verran J, Kelly P and Whitehead KA (2022) Multifractal analysis to determine the effect of surface topography on the distribution, density, dispersion and clustering of differently organised coccal shaped bacteria. Antibiotics 11(5) 11050551. Pdf
- Muthana MSA, Muthana A, Rafiq A,Khakimov A, Albelaly S, Elgendy, Hammoudeh M, Lynch S and Elboseny M (2022) Deep reinforcement learning based transmission policy enforcement and multi-hop routing in QoS aware LoRa IoT networks. Computer Communications 183(1), 33-50. Pdf
- Whitehead KA, El Mohtadi M, Lynch S, Liauw CM, Amin M, Deisenroth T, Preuss A and Verran J (2021) Diverse surface properties reveal that substratum roughness affects fungal spore binding. iScience 24(4), 102333. Pdf
- Lynch S (2021) Python for A-Level Maths, Undergraduate Maths and Employability, IMA Maths Careers, March. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.33398.93765. URL
- Mihalcea BM and Lynch S (2021) Investigations on dynamical stability in 3D quadrupole ion traps. Applied Sciences 11(7) 2938. Pdf
- Slate AJ, Whitehead KA, Lynch S, Foster CW and Banks CE (2020) Electrochemical decoration of additively manufactured graphene macro electrodes with MoO2 nanowire: An approach to demonstrate the surface morphology, J. of Physical Chemistry C, 124(28) 15377-15385. Pdf
- Lynch S (2020) Programming in the mathematics curriculum at Manchester Metropolitan University, MSOR Connections, 18(2), 5-12. Pdf
- Amin M, Rowley-Neale S, Shalamanova L, Lynch S, Wilson-Nieuwenhuis El Mohtadi M, Banks CE and Whitehead K (2020) Molybdenum disulphide surfaces to reduce staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (18), 21057-21069. Pdf
- Lynch S, Borresen J, Roach P, Kotter M and Slevin MA (2020) Mathematical modelling of neuronal logic, memory and clocking circuits. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 30 2050003, 1-16. Pdf
- Lynch S (2018) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Python, Springer International Publishing ISBN 978-3319781440
- Lynch S (2017) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica 2nd ed. Springer International Publishing ISBN 978-3319614847
- Moreira JMR, Gomes LC, Whitehead KA, Lynch S, Tetlow L and Mergulhao FJ (2017) Effect of surface conditioning with cellular extracts on Escherichia coli adhesion and initial biofilm formation. Food and Bioproducts Processing 104, 1-12. Pdf
- Tetlow L, Lynch S, & Whitehead K (2017) The effect of surface properties on bacterial retention: a study utilising stainless steel and TiN/25.65at.%Ag substrata, Food and Bioproducts Processing 102, 332-339. Pdf
- Ramos J, Lynch S, Jones DA & Degens H (2017) Hysteresis in muscle (Feature Article), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1730003, 1-16. Pdf
- Sharaby Y, Lynch S, & Hassan S (2016) Critical slowing down in an optical bistable model with a Kerr-nonlinear blackbody reservoir, Optik 127(21), 10195-10200. Pdf
- Sharaby YA, Lynch S, & Hassan SS (2016) Inhomogeneous and transverse field effects on time delayed optical bistability inside and outside the rotating wave approximation, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 25(2), 1650021. Pdf
- Nyamapfene A, & Lynch S (2016) Systematic integration of MATLAB into undergraduate mathematics teaching: Preliminary lessons from two UK institutions, IEEE EDUCON 2016,1145-1148. DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON.2016.7474699.
- Lynch S, Borresen J & Slevin MA (2015) International patent: Cell assays, development of binary half-adder. Publication Number US 2015/0276707 A1. US 2015/0276707.
- Lynch S, Alharbey RA, Hassan SS, & Batarfi HA (2015) Delayed-dynamical bistability within and without rotating wave approximation, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 24(3), 1550037. Pdf
- Lynch S Borresen J (2015) Oscillations, feedback and bifurcations in mathematical models of angiogenesis and haematopoiesis, in Handbook of Vascular Biology Techniques, Slevin M, McDowell G, Cao Y, Kitajewski J eds., Springer, New York, 373-390. ISBN 978-94-017-9715-3
- Lynch S & Wilber J (2015) Manchester Metropolitan University students vote Math best overall course following adoption of MATLAB. MathWorks User Story - Reprinted in Societe Europeenne Pour La Formation Des Ingenieurs (SEFI) Annual Report, 23-24. Pdf
- Bruggemeier B, Schusterreiter C, Pavlou H, Jenkins N, Lynch S & Bianchi A and Cai X (2014) Improving the utility of Drosophila melanogaster for neurodegenerative disease research by modelling courtship behaviour patterns, Technical Report for the UK NC3R’s and POEMs Maths Study Group meeting, 8th –12th September 2014. Pdf
- Lynch S (2014) Brain Inspired Computing, Mathematics Today, IMA, 50(5), 262-264. Pdf
- Lynch S (2014) Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB® 2nd ed., Springer, ISBN 9783319068190
- Wickens D, Lynch S, Kelly P, West G, Whitehead K, and Verran J, (2014) Quantifying the pattern of microbial cell dispersion, density and clustering on surfaces of differing chemistries and topographies using multifractal analysis, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 104, 101-108. Pdf
- Sharaby YA, Lynch S, Hassan SS & Joshi A (2014) Bistable dynamics beyond rotating wave approximation, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 23(2) 1450019. Pdf
- Alherbey RA, Nejad LAM, Lynch S & Hassan SS (2014) Critical slowing down in biological bistable models, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 93(4), 581-602. Pdf
- Lynch S & Borresen J, (2013) Josephson junction binary oscillator computing, Proceedings of the IEEE International Superconductive Electronics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pdf
- Al-Baradie R, Lynch S, Borresen J, Krupinski J, Slevin M (2013) CDP-choline neuroprotection and vascular remodelling via IRS-1 mechanisms in vascular dementia, Majmaah J. of Health Sciences 1 (1), 11-16. Pdf
- Lynch S & Wilber J (2013) Manchester Metropolitan University students vote Math best overall course following adoption of MATLAB, MathWorks User Story. Pdf
- Borresen J & Lynch S (2012) Oscillatory Threshold Logic. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48498. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048498. Pdf
- Wickens DJ, Lynch S, Kelly PJ, Verran J, West G, Whitehead KA (2012) Zirconium nitride-silver nanocomposites in the design of antimicrobial, fixation pin surface coatings, Int. J. of Artificial Organs, Nov 8:0. doi: 10.5301/ijao.5000156. Pdf
- Lynch S & Borresen J (2012) Binary Half Adder using Oscillators, International Publication Number, WO 2012/001372 A1, 1-57. Pdf
- Lynch S & Borresen J (2012) Binary Half Adder and Other Logic Circuits, UK Patent Number, GB 2481717 A, 1-57. Pdf
- Rossiter A, Lynch S, Becerra V Irving A (2012) Efficient and effective teaching and assessment with MATLAB, Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education EE Workshop, 1-4. Pdf
- Lynch S (2011) MATLAB® Programming for Engineers and Scientists, Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering, Santo Banerjee, Mala Mitra, Lamberto Rondoni (Eds.), Springer, 1, 3-35. ISBN 3642219217
- Lynch S & Steele AL (2011) Nonlinear Optical Fibre Resonators with Applications in Electrical Engineering and Computing, Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering, Santo Banerjee, Mala Mitra, Lamberto Rondoni (Eds.), Springer, 1, 65-84. ISBN 3642219217.
- Borresen J & Lynch S (2010) Binary Half Adder and other Logic Circuits, UK patent pending application number 1011110.2.
- Lynch S (2010) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Maple 2nd ed., Springer-Birkhäuser. ISBN: 0-8176-4389-3.
- Borresen J & Lynch S (2009) Neuronal computers, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Meth. & Appl., 71, 2372-2376. Pdf
- Jiang J, Han M, Yu P & Lynch S (2007) Limit cycles in two types of symmetric Liénard systems, Int. J.of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17(6), 2169-2174. Pdf
- Lynch S (2007) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica, Springer-Birkhäuser. ISBN 0-8176-4482-2.
- Mills SL, Lees GC, Liauw CM, Rothon RN and Lynch S (2005) Prediction of physical properties following the dispersion assessment of flame retardant filler/polymer composites based on the multifractal analysis of SEM images, J. Macromolecular Sci. B- Physics, 44(6), 1137-1151. Pdf
- Lynch S & Bandar Z (2005) Bistable neuromodules, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Meth. & Appl., 63(5-7), 669-677. Pdf
- Lynch S (2005) Analysis of a blood cell population model, Int. J.of Bifurcation and Chaos, 15(7), 2311-2316. Pdf
- Lynch S (2005) Symbolic computation of Lyapunov quantities and the second part of Hilbert's sixteenth problem, Differential Equations with Symbolic Computations, Wang, Dongming; Zheng, Zhiming (Eds.), Series: Trends in Mathematics, 1-26. ISBN: 3-7643-7368-7.
- Lynch S (2004) Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB, Springer-Birkhäuser. ISBN 0-8176-4321-4.
- Mills SL, Lees G, Liauw C and Lynch S (2004) An improved method for the dispersion assessment of flame retardent filler/polymer systems based on the multifractal analysis of SEM images, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 289(10), 864-871. Pdf
- Steele AL & Lynch S (2004) Chaos synchronization of a passive fibre resonator using the auxiliary system and applications to chaos masking, Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (Topical Meeting) on CD-ROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC), MC15.
- Lynch S (2002) Dynamical models with feedback using Maple, Proceedings of the MSW 2002, Waterloo.
- Mills SL, Lees G, Liauw C and Lynch S (2002) Dispersion assessment of flame retardent filler/polymer systems using a combination of X-ray mapping and multifractal analysis, Polymer Testing, 21(8), 941-948. Pdf
- Borreson J & Lynch S (2002) Further investigation of hysteresis in Chua's circuit, Int. J.of Bifurcation and Chaos, 12(1), 129-134. Pdf
- Lynch S (2001) Dynamical Systems with Applications using Maple, Birkhäuser. ISBN 0-8176-4150-5.
- Lynch S (2001) Mutistability, bistability and chaos control, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Meth. & Appl., 47( 7), 4501-4512. Pdf
- Lynch S & Steele AL (2000) Controlling chaos in nonlinear bistable optical resonators, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11(5), 721-728. Pdf
- Christopher CJ & Lynch S, Small-amplitude limit cycles of Liénard equations with either quadratic or cubic damping or restoring coefficients, Nonlinearity, 12(4), 1099-1112 (1999). Pdf
- Lynch S & Christopher CJ, Limit cycles in highly non-linear differential equations, J. Sound and Vibration, 224(3), 505-517 (1999). Pdf
- Lynch S Generalized Cubic Liénard Equations, Applied Math. Lett., 12(2), 1-6 (1999). Pdf
- Lynch S, Steele A.L. & Hoad J.E., Stability analysis of nonlinear optical resonators, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 9(6), 935-946 (1998). Pdf
- Lynch S Generalized quadratic Liénard equations, Applied Math. Lett., 11(3), 7-10 (1998). Pdf
- Lynch S & Steele AL, Controlling chaos in a nonlinear simple fibre resonator, Nonlinear Guided Waves & Their Applications, vol.5, Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC), 219-221 (1998).
- Lynch S Liénard systems and the second part of Hilbert's sixteenth problem, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Meth. & Appl., 30(3), 1395-1403 (1997). Pdf
- Ogusu K, Steele AL, Hoad JE & Lynch S, Corrections to and comments on "Dynamic behaviour of reflection optical bistability in a nonlinear fibre ring resonator", IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 33(11), 2128-2129 (1997). Pdf
- Steele AL, Lynch S & Hoad JE, Analysis of optical instabilities and bistability in a nonlinear optical fibre loop mirror with feedback, Optics Comm., 137(1-3), 136-142 (1997). Pdf
- Mills S, Liauw C, Lees G & Lynch S, Assessment of filler dispersion using image analysis methods, Extended abstracts of the Euro-fillers '97 Conference, 259-262 (1997). Pdf
- Lynch S Recent results on Liénard systems, Proceedings of the 6'th International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Bulgaria, 151-157, ed. D Bainov (1996).
- Lynch S Limit cycles of generalized Liénard equations, Applied Math. Lett., 8(6), 15-17 (1995). Pdf
- Lynch S Small amplitude limit cycles of the generalized mixed Rayleigh-Liénard oscillator, J. Sound and Vibration, 178(5), 615-620 (1994). Pdf
- Lynch S More results on the bifurcation of limit cycles for systems of Liénard type, J. Egypt. Math. Soc., 2, 75-87 (1994).
- Lynch S Small amplitude limit cycles of Liénard equations, Calcolo, Springer 127(1-2), 1-32 (1990). Pdf
- Lloyd NG & Lynch S, Small amplitude limit cycles of certain Liénard systems, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. A, 418, 199-208 (1988). Pdf