
Stephen Lynch NTF FIMA SFHEA

Impact of Schools Liaison:
Change in Recruitment Numbers 2012-2022 in Mathematics

  Impact of SchoolsmLiaison

The figure above shows the impact of schools liaison. Manchester Met. is an outlier and is a result of my schools liaison work. Over a 25-year period I visited over 100 schools and colleges in the North-West and I ran workshops for pupils and teachers promoting mathematics. In 2022, my work was recognised with the award of a National Teaching Fellowship. Manchester Met. had the second highest change in recruitment in mathematics in the country. LMS Report: Mathematics in Higher Education.

Schools Liaison

If you would like me to come and give a talk at your school/college please contact me via email. I do talks for both high school and primary school. A list of schools visited and some feedback can be seen by clicking on the tabs above. Alternatively, we run several workshops here at Loughborough.

My talks include:

1. Brain Inspired Computing [Video (S4S)]

2. Fun with Robots

3. What is Maths?

Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclass:

An Introduction to Fractals with Python

I am a STEM Ambassador, Speaker for Schools and a Public Engagement Champion.


1. Python for A-Level Maths and Beyond

2. IMA Python Workshop

3. STEM Ambassador

4. Speaker for Schools

5. Speaker for the Training Partnership

IMA Festival 2014

  IMA 50th Anniversary

  Colin Wright: Web Pages                                                                 David Acheson: Web Pages